Happy Easter to everyone in the Easter-celebrating club! Posting pictures of yard shrines to Jesus' mother is an appropriate way to spend the day...right?
I've been looking for a new house recently, and in one of the neighborhoods I looked at, I noticed a ton of Mary statues. None were in bathtubs or grottoes, which was kind of disappointing, but I did get some beautiful spring pictures of Our Lady of the Front Yard.

I found this one in a cute little walking court in the highlands. Something about this picture reminds me of New Orleans, or Savannah, or somewhere further south than Louisville, but I'm not sure what it is.

If you're going to have beautiful tulips, you have to have a Mary statue watching over them, 24/7.

I really liked how this one looked between the springy green bushes. The bright colors are very appropriate for Easter, I think.

This is probably my favorite Mary that I photographed that day. I'd been meaning to get a picture of her for months. It's a nice, primitive display of appreciation for Mary. It's also kind of funny that she's partially buried in the ground....so no one will steal her?

Just as I was getting in my car to go home, I spotted Our Lady of Chain-Link.