As I have mentioned before, my hometown and its surrounding county is largely populated by Catholics whose families have been there forever and were also Catholic. This makes it prime Bathtub Mary spotting territory. Yesterday I led an expedition of fellow Bathtub Mary enthusiasts (my friends Matt and Tabitha and my boyfriend Brendan) on the windy, hilly roads of rural Nelson County to photograph the best Marys. I'd told Brendan before that a lot of the people who live on the road leading out to the Abbey of Gethsemane have religious statues in their yard, but he was surprised that almost everyone did. Considering the large numbers of statues, we were selective yesterday. The Mary statues we photographed had to be in a bathtub or some sort of grotto housing with the exception of the statues on this hill:
Our next stop was this house abandoned by its residents, and in front of it was a bathtub, abandoned by its Mary.
Behind the abandoned house was a house which looked to be more inhabited. Maybe Mary moved here:
Thank you for a perfect Kentucky Sunday afternoon! You know, the Catholic "pioneers" to the region came from southern Maryland. Perhaps there are some Our Ladies down there? Next time you visit DC, we should investigate!
The "unknown" statue (the one with the flowers around the crucifix) is Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. I love your blog!
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